Pegboard Hangers

Pegboard Hangers Retainers

More and more people have turned to pegboards for help in organizing things in the house. Whether they need help in organizing tools in the garage, pots and pans in the kitchen, clothes and equipment in the laundry room, or figurines and memorabilia in the bedroom, pegboards are now being used to arrange items in a way that saves a lot of space and makes everything look neat and organized. The concept of using pegboards is quite simple really, making it an ideal option for anyone wanting to keep household items well organized and easy to locate.

Components Used in Pegboard Displays

Pegboard displays can be used to organize things, but there are many components or items used to make these displays functional.  Here are some of them:

  • Pegboard panels
  • Pegboard hooks
  • Pegboard hangers retainers
  • Pegboard shelves
  • Pegboard jars, trays, and bins

Pegboard Hangers

Of all the items used in pegboard displays, pegboard hangers are perhaps the most common.  Pegboard panels are basically flat surfaced panels with evenly spaced holes drilled into them. In these holes, you can place hooks and hangers where you can hang a variety of items.  You will usually find them in stores where the items are displayed for everyone to see. Homeowners also use pegboard hangers to hang several items like tools, clothes, and others.  Hangers are very useful in organizing things because they don’t take up a lot of space.  They only take vertical space, which is totally fine because that just translates to a wall that’s already there anyway.  Indeed, hangers are quite useful in pegboards, which is why pegboard hangers retainers are considered must-haves as well.

Why You Need Retainers

Pegboard hangers retainers are used to secure the hooks or hangers into place.  This is very important because you don’t want your stuff to fall, which could happen if you hang so many things at the same time.  These hanger retainers encircle the hooks and hold them in place, which prevents the hooks from being wobbly and unsecured.  Because homeowners end up hanging all kinds of items in these pegboard hooks, using retainers is a must.  For instance, the hooks that are used to hang dangerous items like a saw, hammer, or any other tool will have to be secured properly.  This is for the safety of everyone who may come into contact with the pegboard and the items in it.  Having something like a tray of screws fall down because the hook is unsecured will also take a long time to clean.

Retainers are necessary to ensure the safety of the items being placed in pegboard hangers and at the same time, it also keeps household members safe.  Safety should always be a major concern, and to prevent accidents from happening, homeowners should take all possible measures to keep the pegboards securely in place.  Retainers are an easy and inexpensive way to keep pegboard hooks secure, which is why homeowners should make use of them.


Pegboard Hangers Retainers